What's the character breakdown?
1 woman, 2 men.
How long is it?
It's a one-act play, 10 pages long. It plays at 10 minutes.
Has it been produced?
Yes, it was produced by bluebox as part of their Sticky NYC play series in 2015 and by the Navigators as part of their Third Annual Lift-Off New Play Series in New York in 2017. Also, a staged reading was produced by Mount Aloysius College in September 2020.
What's it about?
A woman with soot on her face walks into a bar. She has come from a book burning. The book in question: the one she wrote.
Can I read a sample?
It's a ten-minute play, so, a sample ... Well, if you're really nice you can email me for a script here.
Any pictures of past productions?
Right below.
Has it been published?
Not yet, but I'll always entertain offers.
Ceren Zorlu & Travis Hendricks in the 2015 production.
The 2017 production
Photo credit: J. Kane-Hartnett (@jkanehartnett on instagram) as part of the Navigators' Third Annual Lift-Off New Play Series